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Building a just food system and a culture of gardening for all people. We build gardens for low income people.

Because of current events, food insecurity is growing. Inspired by the need to create local food systems, and the work of other food justice gardeners in the area, Just Garden Project is back in action.

We are keeping our work parties small, operating in and around three hubs to start: Crown Hill, Rainier Beach, and Deer Park Spokane.

Just Garden works with low income people, community groups, city governments, and religious groups, to build food gardens. We listen to gardeners’ desires, and help them achieve their garden goals. We build gardens in community. Our requirement is that (A) you need help and (B) you do what you can  to help with the build. Apply for a garden by filling out this intake form. 


COMMUNITY SUPPORTED: people of all walks of life contribute what they can whether it is time, mentorship, plants, or currency.   Please consider sharing what you can to help a family/community grow their own food. 
